Single Project

Project Description
Savvy Web Studio was contacted by Hunter Fresh to create them an online presence that would bring them into the digital world and allow there customers to complete orders online.
The design of the website is customised and gives the website a professional appearance that will increase end-user confidence and experience. The site is easy to navigate. The site content and navigation structure will be crisp and clean ensuring a positive user experience.
Responsive: The site is completely responsive meaning the site adapts to any screen size from a large computer all the way down to a mobile device. While it will be rendered differently based on the device, it will be optimized to the size of the screen. We have utilized the WooCommerce toolkit, for a professional and flexible presentation. WooCommerce is built using WordPress best practices both on the front and the back end. This results in an efficient, robust and intuitive plugin
Website features:-
- Fully responsive
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Valid code WSC checked
- Retina Ready
- Google map
- Contact form
- E-commerce
- Adaptive website for all mobile and tablet devices.
- Design
- Typography
Hunter Fresh Produce